Monday, March 09, 2009

Remember Lot's Wife

But his wife looked back behind him, and she became a pillar of salt. - Genesis 19:26

Who was Lot's wife? We don't really know a lot about her, not even her name. We assume that she met Lot in Sodom. We can safely conclude that Lot's wife was not a believer. It's clear she did not want to leave Sodom. She wanted to steal one last glance, and it cost her everything.

The book of Genesis tells us what happened that day. While they were fleeing, she looked back and became a pillar of salt. When Jesus said to His disciples, " 'Remember Lot's wife' " (Luke 17:32), it was a warning to not look back.

Why was looking back such a horrible sin, causing the judgment of God to fall upon Lot's wife? Doesn't it seem a little harsh? All she did was steal a quick glance.

But it wasn't just one last look. It was a lingering, a desire to stay there. You see, looking back is a step toward going back.The devil will come to you and say, "Hey, Christian! Remember the old days?" Let's be honest. We all had some fun in this world. But the devil doesn't remind you of the other things. He doesn't say, "Remember when you were miserable and empty, lonely, and terrified of death." He will remind you of a few good times because he knows that the first step to going back is looking back.

Then, like Lot's wife, you start to look over your shoulder. That is why Jesus said, " 'No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God' " (Luke 9:62).

If you are going to follow Christ, you need to look forward, not over your shoulder. Remember Lot's wife: you don't want to be turned into a pillar of salt.

Devotion by: Greg Laurie