God's Secret Agents
God's Secret Agents
Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation? - Hebrews 1:14
Make no mistake about it: angels are actively involved in the lives of the people of God, and in the affairs of men in general.
One of the reasons we may not be personally aware of the presence of angels in our lives is that they are doing their job properly.
Angels generally operate undercover. Theirs is a vast world of intelligent, powerful spirit beings. Angels are invisible, and they remain that way most of the time, except on very rare occasions. As we see from Scripture, God will sometimes clothe angels with a human form.
Angels are God's secret agents, not drawing attention to themselves, but instead doing the bidding of God. They have a specific work and ministry in the life of the Christian.
That certainly gives us hope in these troubled and dangerous times in which we are living. When we think of all the violence, chaos, and danger in the world today, it is comforting to know that God's angels are watching out for us.
Angels may not help you find a parking place, but you can know this: they are God's secret agents, powerfully and effectively doing the work He has called them to do.
Devotion by: Greg Laurie
Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation? - Hebrews 1:14
Make no mistake about it: angels are actively involved in the lives of the people of God, and in the affairs of men in general.
One of the reasons we may not be personally aware of the presence of angels in our lives is that they are doing their job properly.
Angels generally operate undercover. Theirs is a vast world of intelligent, powerful spirit beings. Angels are invisible, and they remain that way most of the time, except on very rare occasions. As we see from Scripture, God will sometimes clothe angels with a human form.
Angels are God's secret agents, not drawing attention to themselves, but instead doing the bidding of God. They have a specific work and ministry in the life of the Christian.
That certainly gives us hope in these troubled and dangerous times in which we are living. When we think of all the violence, chaos, and danger in the world today, it is comforting to know that God's angels are watching out for us.
Angels may not help you find a parking place, but you can know this: they are God's secret agents, powerfully and effectively doing the work He has called them to do.
Devotion by: Greg Laurie
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